August 12, 2014

pirate comic

Click HERE to read pages 1-10, because I posted them on the blogge months and months ago.

 I tell anybody who will listen that this entire project was a big joke I played with for my siblings that just got ridiculously out of hand. I finally finished up chapter one with 54 pages, and am now fourteen pages into chapter two (with several more chapters after that planned). My siblings all demand more pages. My sixteen year old sister has done the math and demands that I have 900 pages done by the end of next school year. (And yes, that is nine hundred, as in one hundred times nine or nine-zero-zero.)

I'm actually not complaining, though. Comic making is what I love to do (I love love love to do it, seriously) and this goofy pirate comic is wonderful practice for my mystery graphic novel project, which I'm planning to reboot and start over on really soon.

And yeah, despite its mediocre art and terrible writing, I'm super proud of this baby. After all, I get to carry around sixty-plus pages of a story I'm creating, right? And I even have fanart for it, drawn by legitimate fans!

So, this isn't quite the end of chapter one, but it's a good stopping place (and I haven't scanned the rest yet, so.)

I just want to end by saying that this is an unusual project for me in the character department, too. With the exception of Richard Parker the fifteen year old, all the characters are waaay older than characters I usually have. (You can't tell because I'm awful at drawing old people, but Ginger is actually a grandpa.)

Also, since this is a supergoofy comic, character development is a good deal harder.

ALSO, most of these characters are types of people I don't usually cast: not that you can tell this early in the story, but you have Khan, who's totally a remorseless villain; Matt, who's brilliant but also very prideful and also a manly-non-sensitive-no-nosense dude; Stan, who besides having the most spur-of-the-moment name ever is an eccentric (and probably very stupid) rich person. Ekat (who's basically an old lady mix of Severus Snape and Jack Bauer), Ginger (who is based entirely on my grandmother), and meek Richard Parker are more up my alley, but still pretty unusual types for me.

Alright, that's all!

Gonna go do some Greek now... dang it, I was hoping school would never restart.

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